Also makers of the popular Waterproof Pour Off® McTog Dog coat
Welcome to Glenndarcy
Dog Nappies & Dog Belly bands - all featuring an environmentally friendly washable pad option
Dog Nappies & Dog Belly bands - all featuring an environmentally friendly washable pad option
Dog Nappies and Dog Belly bands - all featuring our environmentally friendly washable pad option
Style: Waterproof Blanket Available Size: 145cm x 100cm (57" x 39.5") How they work? Our Glenndarcy waterproof blankets are a luxurious product offering...
6 in stock
All in Ones..with or without tailhole. Male Adjustable new patterns in stock
$16.48 - $18.68
Message from Vyctoria - Glenndarcy creator
Glenndarcy was born designing products for my own precious dogs and the urge to want to help others. Through the years our range has developed and expanded - we now have several products that we also continue to use on our own dogs - they are frequently featured in our photos, social media etc.
Last week, our hearts were broken as we lost our beautiful Bella, followed by Woody who was a day shy of turning 17 years and 7 months. To lose two family members only four days apart, a day either side of Christmas, has been almost unbearable. Many followers of our pages will have seen them both over the years in our social media.
Both of our precious veterans were able to travel around the UK with us, sleep on the bed, couch, participate in everything, and used several of our own products. Belly bands to help Woody’s light urine incontinence, dog season pants when Bella was younger, waterproof blankets, and our waterproof McTogs when they had little adventures.
What separates us from many poorly manufactured copies of our products sold on platforms like Amazon and Ebay is we make quality products, designed by dog lovers. Quality products last longer with the added benefit of being better for the environment. We have lost count of how many customers wished they hadn't wasted their money before purchasing our products. And did you know our prices have changed very little and in some cases not at all since 2015 - other than increased postage we have not been able to control.
Please look for the Glenndarcy logo and brand and by shopping directly on our two great websites, many of our products are lower priced and the choice is far better. And when you see copies of our products, please remember that with Glenndarcy you know the little family dogs behind the brand - like our beautiful Bella and Woody.
$15.38 - $20.88
$15.38 - $24.18